Sunday 1 December 2019


This young upstart is a resident of Silverload and leader of a small gang that likes to rough up outsiders. The shadowy figure behind it all. As the cowboy ventures into the town picking up various objects, interacting with the locals, and finding a safe place before the werewolves begin to prowl, he realizes that this once God-fearing and prosperous silvermining town has become a cursed den of vice , ghouls , vampires and werewolves after the original town's residents slaughtered an American Indian tribe. As is the case with other graphic adventure games, progress in Silverload involves finding and interacting with various "hot spots" in order to pick up objects, solve puzzles and interact with or kill the various characters in the town. Archived from the original on June 11, He begs you to save his son, saying he would trade his life for it. Leo Remington An anthropologist who came to Silverload with his colleague Carl Whitehead, to retrieve a collection of cursed Indian relics. silverload psx

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Silverloadat least the PS1 update, has a number of clever ideas to separate it from the rest of the adventure game pack. Leo Remington An anthropologist who came to Silverload with his colleague Carl Whitehead, to retrieve a collection of cursed Indian relics.

A drifter who stops by to make a little money with the dice and enjoy the company of questionable ladies. Second in command to the Satanic Priest running the show, this is one mean bad guy.

This sounds like it should be awful, but because the collision boxes for enemies are generous it actually works extremely well.

Time only progresses after collecting a specific number of key items, thereby preventing silverlod from missing something essential.

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He lambasted the graphics and sounds, citing poor illustrations for the static graphics and offensive ethnic stereotypes in the voice acting, but said the gameplay is more interesting than most point-and-click adventures. He begs you to save his son, saying he would trade his life for it. First PersonAdventure: This will guide you through the storm. Views Read Edit View history. On the PC you can create multiple named save files.

Sheriff Second in command to the Satanic Priest running silverllad show, this is one mean bad guy. silvedload


Make sure you grab everything. Which leads us to the biggest difference: Any damage taken can be healed afterwards using pxx bought at the general store. Gunslinger This is you, the mysterious si,verload, a half native-American Indian raised by a white couple. The wife takes a disliking to you but the husband, wounded in the recent raid, gives you his compass to help navigate the storm. He summarized Silverload as "a game that, while following a genre's conventions, simply does everything smashingly well.

The game was released for the personal computer in Europe, and the original PlayStation edition was given an international release.

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In a retrospective feature, John Szczepaniak of Hardcore Gaming claimed the "PSOne update, has a number of clever ideas to separate itself from the adventure game pack" and praised its "good ideas, fantastic setting, great script and suitable voice acting", also stating "the 3D shooting sections are very slick and extremely awesome.

Playing with a controller on osx PS1 version the icon slides across the screen with momentum when you press the d-pad, rather than moving slowly and with precision. A curious accent for an even more curious gentlemen. You can also drop items on the ground on the PC, using a hotspot at the lower left of each screen, but this is mostly redundant and just gets confusing later on!

The Collection Chamber: SILVERLOAD

Just Adventure gave it an F sjlverload, and listed it as one of the five worst adventure games of all-time in their Dungeon of Shame feature.

Be sure to go through their trunk and take the goggles. Icons and objects are massive and oddly shaped, making it difficult to work out what needs clicking where. Although these shooting sections are very easy which is better than being too difficultthey add some variety.

The player controls, via a first person perspective, a Wild West cowboy as he ventures into a haunted town in order to save a child that was taken from his parents. Local men set about making it more habitable, hunting down and wiping out all the wolves which lived in the surrounding forests. If he does doze off, the contents of his cart are ripe pickings.

The overall tale is also fairly well written, rather chilling and portrayed via some very graphic imagery. The best thing about Silverload though is its unique story, which weaves together Native American shamanism, satanic priests, human sacrifice, and werewolves. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This explains nothing about the back-story. Silverlowd is the case with other graphic adventure games, progress in Silverload involves finding and interacting with various "hot spots" in order to pick up objects, solve puzzles and interact with or kill the various characters in the town.

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