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October Learn how and when to remove this template message. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Rebolation is a style of Brazilian dance that originated in rave parties. Views Read Edit View history. I know it means absolutely nothing, but if you say it really fast here in Brazil, it sounds like English. da musica tchubirabirom

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Now reading you in English is really awesome! If you are wondering, this nonsense sentence means: Late Daniel Brilhante de Brito, my unforgettable translation professor, used to say mmusica the English language was married to German, but had an eternal affair with French.

It's Carnaval! Time for a bit of rebolation | Macmillan Dictionary Blog

We do have two kinds of rebolation here in Brazil. One is for techno, psytrance etc fans; and the one that is on the media right now and gaining lots of attention is the one I mentioned on the post.

Tchubirabiroom comments, however, I have a couple of problems. So this year, embromation has its place guaranteed at almost every party all over the country.

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So, are you coming to Brazil for Carnaval? Be aware of embromation as well as rebolation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is unknown which came first, but a similar type of dance that originated from Johannesburg, South Africa called "Stepping" or "Skitting" began in Incredibly, some naive people here in Brazil may believe that it is real English.

It took me a while to tune into it, having learned French and Spanish first, but it was well worth the effort! This Brazilian arts article is a stub.

As músicas que arrastaram multidões nos últimos 20 Carnavais

Although it is a play on words and the way those words sound, I have to warn you that sometimes things get real around here. This page was last edited on 30 Augustat Articles lacking sources from October All articles lacking sources All stub articles.

da musica tchubirabirom

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This dance-related article is a stub. Retrieved from " https: So, one may hear these words pronounced as whisk ysweet ie and book ie instead. For those who might be wondering: Reading you in Portuguese is a must! It has been on the net since at leastas we can see here http: Just loved the text Denilso!!!

Rebolation - Wikipedia

This, when properly performed, gives the impression that the dancer is somewhat sliding on the floor, and the loose movements of the hands create the impression that the dancer is not totally in control of the direction of movement. As you may know, Carnavalthe most famous Tchubirsbirom holiday, is starting later this week. I know it means absolutely nothing, but if you say it really fast here in Brazil, it sounds like English. Footwork Hustle Jacking Vogue.

The first rebolation is like being renegated by TV. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.

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The reverse movement is used when walking backwards. October Learn how and when to remove this template message. You may also like. Nadsat and the power of slang.

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