Sunday 24 November 2019


I have no such desire to rip you off like that. In fact, my book IS on Amazon. We've got a certified slot technician and ehow contributor on staff to answer. The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Vincent also writes technical manuals and training materials for slot technicians and other slot personnel for his full-time job as a lead technician. Wonder how slots really work or how casinos control them? egdsecrets

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This is the real deal; No lies, no gimmicks, no snake oil, no kidding. Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag.

Do you like answering questions about what you do, or want to educate people on how casinos really work and bust all the myths? Play like a slot technician.

Sincehe has written on slot machines, including websites such as Egdsecrets. Be the first to egsecrets a review About this product. EGD is what we call them in my business. See details for additional description.

EGDSecrets : Reel Truth, Right from the Source by Mark Vincent (2010, Paperback)

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: Slot Machine Secrets, Information, and Knowledge - Google Books

If you have any questions about anything casino or slot related, be sure to register on our forums and ask away. He began his career as a Cage Cashier working his way through college.

Vincent also writes technical manuals and training materials for slot technicians and other slot personnel for his full-time job as a lead technician. Mark Vincent Narrated by: Books on Collecting Paperback Publication Year. Any Condition Any Condition.


We would love to have you as a field expert for your profession. Sincehe has written on slot machines, including websites such as Egdsecrets. For more information, dgdsecrets the Welcome Post in our forums.

I know how to play the slot machines, and I know how to play them for maximum payback — all the time. Figure that out on your own didja?

Winning at Slots by Playing Like a Slot Technician - EGDSecrets

Visit Amazon Author Central. I have no such desire to rip you off like that. You may also like. This item doesn't belong on this page. We've got a certified slot technician and ehow contributor on staff to answer. Are you an author?

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