Saturday 30 November 2019


You all know how strict Johnny's can be. Also those who messaged me that they want to apply, just answer that form and I'll message you! This seems so fun to watch!! I hope the person who uploaded it can read this. Yabu turned around at Yuto and his arm hits the table and so, the tiles collapsed You can also see who will handle future subbing projects of the communities and the current projects they're working on. jumparty 3 hey say jump

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XD then he asked inoo O in the end, he got 10 pts. I honestly appreaciate it.

JUMParty 3 - ~Angel 天使 ~ Devil 悪魔~ — LiveJournal

XDD from the replay: If you want to share our files, better just link our own page. I hope the person who uploaded it can read this. It's hard for us to balance things but we appreciate all your messages to us. Yabu didn't noticed yet that the Jenga fell. If ever you're interested, you can either pm me in my LJ account or in my Facebook account.

Daiki and Yamada in this part, jjump and Yamada talks about games and what games do they like XDD my stomach hurts from laughing and i forgot to eat dinner last night because of this.

jumparty 3 hey say jump

Facebook, twitter and other accounts will not be entertained by us. Log in No account?

Also if you have questions regarding to some of our post here password problems, link problems, etc. Thank you miyukihime98 for reporting jumpatty to us.

JUMParty 3

XDD he said, Yuto likes tap dancing, i forgot the other one and drums XD i still don't know where to download it How I wish someone can sub this. This post is for list of saay that we have subbed.

We thank all of the people who are still supporting us. We have two translators for this but the other one nump because she's having problems with her studies. XD] then Yabu just laughed when that happened.

jumparty 3 hey say jump

We're supposed to close down this community since all of us are busy. Hi, just dropping by to say that we'll sub JUMParty 6: Also those who messaged me jummparty they want to apply, just answer that form and I'll message you! I want to watch it so bad now. Recruitment Post and current status of Janiizu Station.

[MODS] MASTERPOST - •ジャニーズ Station Subs• — LiveJournal

Our comm is pretty big now and we sa to keep on releasing videos for all of you. You can also see who will handle future subbing projects of the communities and the current projects they're working on. XDD Thank you for the report.

jumparty 3 hey say jump

You can comment here and I will answer it: That's why some already quitted. J Masterpost of our projects: I want to see JUMParty. We really don't want to close the community so we hope someone are willing to apply and be part of us. It's so amazing and honestly I'm guilty that you join an inactive community: XD daiki looks adorable!

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